Edible/Non-edible Oil and Fat
- Quality check as per FSSAI/AGMARK Specifications
- Fatty Acid Profile by GLC
- Adulteration/Purity GLC & TLC
- Colour
- Essential Oil content (Pungency)
- Moisture and Insoluble Impurities
- Refractive Index
- Acid Value
- Saponification Value
- Iodine Value (Wijs)
- Unsaponifiable Matter
- Bellier Turbidity Test(oC)
- Specific Gravity
- RM Value
- Baudian Test (BT)
- Flash Point
- Peroxide Value
- Quantification of Vitamins A, D & E
- Omega 3 & Omega 6
Adulterants in Edible Oil
- Test for Argemone Oil by TLC
- Test for Mineral Oil by TLC
- Test for Castor Oil by TLC
- Test for Hydrocynic Acid
- Test for added Synthetic Colour
- Halphan Test
- Test for sesame oil
- Test for Polybromide
- Baudian Test (BT)
- Rancidity Test
Nutrition Value of Edible Oil & Fat
1. Energy
2. Fat
- Saturated Fat (SFA)
- Unsaturated Fat
- Monounsaturated Fat (MUFA)
- Polyunsaturated Fat (PUFA)
3. Carbohydrate
4. Protein
5. Vitamin -E , A ,D