Research papers in Many eminent national and international journal BY Erstwhile MRPC

  1. Chauhan Amit, Khanna Varishth and Dr. Gupta Pragya (2018) Effects of seed roasting on Physico-chemical properties and Fatty acid Profile of different Edible Oil-seeds. ISCA-RJCS-2018
  2. Ajaya Kumar Sahu, Dr. H.B.Singh, Dr. Anji Reddy (2013). Remote Sensing & GIS based integrated decision support system for mustard crop in Rajasthan State. Journal of scientific & innovative research Vol 2 |Issue 1 Volume 2 Issue 1 ISSN: 2230-4818
  3. Sahu, A.K.; Singh, H.B.; Reddy,A; GIS Based online Generating Decision Support System for Mustard Crop Farming in India, NRSC Group Meet 2012.
  4. Sahu, A.K.; Singh, H.B.; Reddy,A; Online Generating GIS Based Integrated Decision support system for Mustard Crop Farming In India, Proceedings of GEOMATRIX 2012.
  5. Sanyal, Sibaji Kumar; Venu Gopal, S.K; Singh, B.K. 2011. Biochemical impact of sulphur addition on the metabolism of glucosinolates in Brassica juncearevealed by metabolome Analysis, World Congress on Biotechnology-OMICS Group Conference 21-23 March, 2011 at Hyderabad.
  6. Sanyal, Sibaji Kumar; Bhattacharyya, D.K. 2011. Enzymatic inter-esterification of mustard oil with palm Stearin for production of structured lipids in batch process, World Congress on Biotechnology-OMICS Group Conference 21-23 March, 2011 at Hyderabad
  7. Sahu, A.K; Singh, H.B, GIS based integrated Decision support system for mustard crop in India, Abstract, 13th International Rapeseed Congress 2011.
  8. Sahu, A.K; Singh, H.B, GIS based Crop and Yield Estimation for Mustard Crop in the Alwar and Bharatpur Districts of Rajasthan, India, Abstract, 13th International Rapeseed Congress 2011.
  9. Sahu, A.K; Singh, H.B, Remote Sensing and GIS based integrated decision support system for mustard crop in Rajasthan State, Abstract, Geomatric 2011, IIT Bombay.
  10. Sahu, A.K; Singh, H.B 2008. GIS based integrated decision support system for Mustard crop in Districts of Alwar & Bharatpur, Abstract, National Conference on “Emphasizing Recent Advances in Oilseed Production and Industrialization with Special Reference to Rapeseed-Mustard”, 2008.
  11. Tickoo, S; Garg, Sanjay K and Singh, H B, Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) A potential fungicide for control of early blight (Alternaria solani) of potato, Proceedings of The 12th International rapeseed Congress 2007, Vol. IV, Page 205-208.
  12. Banerjee, Rupa; Sahni, Sumit; Tickoo, S and Singh, H B, Dephytinization of Rapeseed/Mustard Meals, Brassica Vol.9(1-4), December 2007, Page 5-12.
  13. Kumar, Gopal, Adak, Tarun; Chakravarty, N V K; Chamola, R; Katiyar, R K and Singh, H B, Effect of Ambient Thermal Regime on Growth and Yield of Brassica Cultivars, Brassica Vol.9 (1-4), December 2007, Page 47-52.
  14. Tickoo, S; Sindhu, V K; Sahni, S and Singh, H B; 2007, Screening of Indian Mustard genotypes for heavy metal accumulation tendency under in-vitro conditions, Proceedings of The 12th International rapeseed Congress Vol. V, Page 65-68.
  15. Tickoo, S; Sindhu, V K; Sahni, S and Singh, H B; 2007, Standardization of reaction kinetics for enzymatic hydrolysis of Indian mustard seed oil for extraction of Erucic Acid, Proceedings of The 12th International rapeseed Congress Vol. V, Page 209-212.
  16. Tickoo, S., Sanjay K Garg and Singh, H.B. 2006. Allylisothiocyanate the potential bio-molecule against plant pathogenic fungi Indian Journal of Plant Pathology, 22 (1&2).
  17. Tickoo, S; Garg, Sanjay K and Singh, H B, Control of late blight of potato (Phytophthora infestans) by allylisothiocyanate extracted from seeds of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea), Indian Journal of Plant Pathology Vol.24(1&2)-2006, Page 105-110.
  18. Tickoo, S. and Singh, H.B. 2005. Glucosinolate in Brassica and their impact on plant defense system Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology – Global Conference – II, Udaipur, Rajasthan.
  19. Jose, T.C., Chakravarty, N.V.K., Srivastava, A.K., Bhagawati, Goutom, Katiyar, R.K. and Singh, H.B. 2005. Alternaria Blight and its Role in Yield Reduction of Mustard Crop – A Brief Review, Brassica 7:  15-32.
  20. Katiyar, R.K., Chamola, R., Banerjee, P.K., and Singh, H.B. 2005. Assessment of Heterosis and Combining Ability for Seed Yield in Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea L.Czern. & Coss), Brassica 7: 33-38.
  21. Neog, Prasant, Chakravarty, N.V.K., Srivastava, A.K., Bhagawati, Goutom, Katiyar, R.K. and Singh, H.B. 2005. Thermal Time and its Relationship with Seed Yield and Oil Productivity in Brassica Cultivars, Brassica 7:  63-70.
  22. Tickoo, S and Singh, H.B.; 2005. Estimation of yield losses due to abiotic stresses during post-harvest processing of rapeseed-mustard-I-Losses due to shattering, during threshing, cleaning and transportation, Farm Science Journal 14(2): 59-60.
  23. Katiyar, R.K., Chamola, R.,  Singh, H.B. and Tickoo, S. 2004. Heterosis and Combining Ability for Seed Yield in Yellow Sarson (Brassica Campestris – Prain). Brassica 6: 47-52.
  24. Tickoo, S; Sindhu, V K; Sahni, S and Singh, H B; Development of technology for detoxification of Indian mustard deoiled cake for poultry and livestock consumption, Proceedings of The 12th International rapeseed Congress Vol. V, Page 299-302.
  25. Tickoo, S; Singh, H B and Bhattacharyya, D K; Enzymatic transesterification of Brassica juncea seed oil for production of neutraceuticals, Proceedings of The 12th International rapeseed Congress Vol. V, Page 221-223.
  26. Nisha Bharti, Tickoo, S., Kaushik, Atul  and Singh, H.B. 2002 Glucosinolate – An innate Defense System in Plants. Brassica 4: 34-51.